Surgical Nerve Courses

AENS provides educational opportunities for it's members as well as continuing education credit.

Find a Doctor

To find a member with FELLOW status of the Association of Extremity Nerve Surgeonsclick here. A FELLOW is a physician that is a member in good standing and has completed specialty training and has at least 2 years or more of case experience. To confirm details of extremity nerve treatment offered or insurance information, contact the physician directly.

The Extremity Nerve Research Foundation

ENRF's focus is to conduct and support scientific research to advance extremity nerve treatment that makes a difference in our world.


AENS 2024 Annual Symposium Announcement

Early registration is now available! Don't miss early promo rates for Key West  including a new Fundamental Residency Program Partner option  available only until June 1, 2024!

Click here to learn more and register!

AENS 2023 Annual Symposium Highlights

The AENS Annual Symposium and surgical labs were held in Fort Worth, Texas November 8-12, 2023.
President Julie Abboud and the Conference Committee received terrific feedback from the 2023 interactive labs, surgical course and annual symposium lectures. 
It was a highlight and an honor to have Dr. Ian Valerio, US Navy, be our opening speaker on November 11 - Veterans Day.
Thank you to all the sponsors who helped support this specialty education:
Thank you to all the doctors, speakers and residents who attended the 2023 conference and are dedicated to advancing nerve treatment.
The AENS Board of Trustees – Dr. Steve Barrett, Dr. Jim Wilton, Dr. Andy Rader, Dr. Damien Dauphinee & Dr. Jim Anderson – were thanked for their service in serving extended terms through COVID and assistance with fundraising, education and support of nerve fellowships and research:

The AENS Board of Directors were thanked for their services and elected five new Directors at Large, including Dr. Nathan Larson, Dr. Chris Browning, Dr. Sequioa DuCasse, Dr. Shari Moore & Dr. Matthew Oseto. Dr. Abboud thanked all board members for their work and encouraged them to work hard this next year to update and create videos for the surgical courses, as well as add an additional Fundamental Course offering.
Congratulations to the Dr. Scott Nickerson Essay Winners - Dr. Rebecca Schwartz & Dr. Rose Mary Wilson, St. Joseph PMSR Program in Houston, TX:

And congratulations to the 23 physicians and residents who completed the three-day AENS Fundamental Peripheral Nerve Course:

AENS members who published or completed research were recognized during the Saturday awards dinner - Dr. Craig Thomajan & Dr. Mark Schuenke, Dr. Jim Wilton, Dr. Jim Anderson. Publications can be seen on the AENS website under the "links & resources" tab. 

Finally, AENS is proud to announce the new 2023 AENS Fellow Members who have completed 200 nerve procedures and met all the required criteria to achieve AENS Fellow status:

Additionally, Dr. Artinder Nagra has completed a two-year US Neuropathy Fellowship at the US Nerve Institute in Atlanta, GA to achieve Fellow status. She will be recognized at the 2024 Annual Symposium.

Congratulations to the New 2023-2024 Officers, Board of Directors and Board of Trustees!


  • Julie Abboud, DPM, MS, FAENS - President
  • Craig Thomajan, DPM, FAENS - Vice President
  • Aaron Ruter, DPM, FAENS - Secretary
  • Mark Woolley, DPM, FAENS - Treasurer
  • Tracy Basso, DPM, FAENS - Immediate Past President

Board of Director Members-at-Large (Two-Year Terms)

  • Mike Wynn, DPM, FAENS
  • Sequioa DuCasse, DPM, FAENS
  • Shari Moore, DPM, FAENS
  • Matthew Oseto, MD, FAENS

Board of Trustees (Three-Year Terms)

  • Stephen Barrett, DPM, FAENS - Chair
  • James Wilton, DPM, FAENS - Vice Chair
  • Andrew Rader, DPM, FAENS
  • Damien Dauphine, DPM, FAENS
  • James Anderson, DPM, FAENS

PR Resources - Watch the Education Documentary on HOPE and the November 2021 TED Talk

Great new resource for the patients, public and colleagues. In-depth history and options for hope for diabetics and nerve treatment options. Share it. Post it. Spread the HOPE for nerve patients! Thank you to Dr. Steve Barrett, Phoenix Productions and all interviewees.


Thank you to Dr. Steve Barrett for pursuing and being approved for a national TED Talk production in November 2021. It is titled "Some Nerve for Saving Diabetic Lives" and will provide much needed national awareness and insight. 


Be A Part of History! DURA Study

Support the Level 1 Diabetic Ulcer Research Study (DURA Study). Advancing Nerve for the Future. Donate ONLINE or download the DONATION FORM. Dr. Scott Nickerson updates us on opportunities to advance nerve research in his appeal for donations to the Extremity Nerve Research Foundation (ENRF). Please see his appeal HERE.

Two Nerve Fellowships Available - Georgia & California

To set up a Nerve Fellowship - contact for templates/monitoring.

AENS Clinical Practice Guidelines

AENS Sample Informed Consent Presentation

Click here to download the English version

Click here to download the Spanish version

NEW - AENS Dissection Training Videos

2024 training videos are available to associate and fellow members to review online. Proceeds benefit nerve research and education. 

How to purchase: 

1) Hover over "Member Resources" tab at the top
2) Click on "Dissection Videos" page under tab
3) Log into the member-only portal
4) Follow instructions outlined on video page

Thank you to AENS fellows and surgical faculty for their time in producing this education:

-Dr. James Wilton
-Dr. Peyman Elison
-Dr. Damien Dauphinee
-Dr. Mark Woolley
-Dr. Andrew Rader - special sponsorship