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  • AENS Past President, Damien Dauphinee, DPM - Saving Limbs Saving Lives: Advanced Treatments for Preventing Amputations in Diabetic Populations - eBook

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ADA June 2021 Scientific Session ND Abstract Surgical Nerve Decompression Significantly Reduces Incidence of Neuropathic DFU and Recurrences    Word Doc Logo  
Anderson, DPM, James Common Fibular Nerve Compression: Anatomy, Symptoms, Clinical Evaluation, and Surgical Decompression
Anderson, DPM, et. al, James

Nerve Decompression and Restless Legs Syndrome: A Retrospective Analysis


Anderson, DPM, et. al, James

Acute Improvement in Intraoperative EMG Following Common Nerve Decompression in Patients with Symptomatic Diabetic Sensorimotor Peripheral Neuropathy: 1. EGM Results

Anderson, DPM, James and Yamasaki, PhD, Dwayne S.

Intraoperative Nerve Monitoring During Nerve Decompression Surgery in the Lower Extremity
Anderson, DPM, James, Nickerson, MD, D. Scott, Yamasaki, PhD, Dwayne S. Acute Improvement in Intraoperative EMG During Common Fibular Nerve Decompression in Patients with Symptomatic Diabetic Sensorimotor Peripheral Neuropathy: EMG and Clinical Attribute Interrelations  pdf    
Anderson, DPM, James and Tennant, MD, Forest Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation Improves Chronic Pain and Pain-Related Cytokine Levels: A Clinical Study  pdf    
Barrett, DPM, Stephen
Practical Pain Management for the Lower Extremity Surgeon

Bibbo, DO, DPM, FACFAS, Christopher, Rodrigues-Colazzo, DPM, Edgardo, Finzen, DPM, Adam G.

Superficial Peroneal Nerve to Deep Peroneal Nerve Transfer With Allograft Conduit for Neuroma in Continuity
Braver, DPM, Richard
Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome

Bregman, DPM, FAENS, Peter

Current And Emerging Insights On Treating Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy pdf Word Doc Logo  
Bregman, DPM, FAENS, Peter

Revisional Tarsal Tunnel, Foot & Ankle Nerve Entrapment and Metatarsal Fractures; Revisional and Reconstructive Surgery of the Foot and Ankle, 1st Edition Wolters Kluwer (Editors- Zgonis, Roukis), ch20-22 


Bregman, DPM, FAENS, Peter, 
Schuenke, PhD, Mark

Current Diagnosis and Treatment of Superficial Fibular Nerve Injuries and Entrapment pdf    
Buksh, DPM, Bilal Ultrasound-Guided Injections of Amniotic Membrane/Umbilical Cord Particulate for Painful Neuropathy of the Lower Extremity pdf     
Cernak, DPM, Cynthia Managing Neuropathy and Pain in Wound Care Patients pdf    
Cernak, DPM, Cynthia Mitigating Some Guesswork in Treating Neuropathic Pain  pdf    
Cernak, DPM, Cynthia Effectively Treating Chemotherapy induce Peripheral Neuropathy  pdf    
Clinics in Podiatric Medicine & Surgery
April 2016 Issue: Nerve-Related Injuries and Treatments for the Lower Extremity
Dauphinee, DPM, FAENS, Damien Saving Limbs, Saving Lives, June 2019/2020

Description: Advance treatments to prevent amputation in diabetic populations

Available on Amazon and Goodreads
Dellon, MD, PhD, A. Lee

Joint Denervation: An Atlas of Surgical Techniques, Springer Nature, 2019

Contains lower extremity, foot and ankle denervations

Dellon, MD, PhD, A. Lee Prevalence of Upper and Lower Extremity Tinel Signs in Diabetics: Cross-sectional Study from a United States, Urban Hospital-based Population pdf    
Dellon, MD, PhD, A. Lee The Four Medial Ankle Tunnels: A Critical Review of Perceptions of Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome and Neuropathy pdf    
Dellon, MD, PhD, A. Lee A Positive Tinel Sign as Predictor of Pain Relief or Sensory Recovery after Decompression of Chronic Tibial Nerve Compression in Patients with Diabetic Neuropathy pdf    
Dellon, MD, PhD, A. Lee Prevention of Ulceration, Amputation, and Reduction of Hospitalization: Outcomes of a Prospective Multicenter Trial of Tibial Neurolysis in Patients with Diabetic Neuropathy pdf    
Dellon, MD, PhD, A. Lee The Dellon Approach to Neurolysis in the Neuropathy Patient with Chronic Nerve Compression pdf    
Dellon, MD, PhD, A. Lee

The Prosector

“A pioneering woman surgeon helps her patients in pain by discovering secrets from the dead.”

Historic fiction with many peripheral nerve research stories


Ericson Jr., MD, William B. and Wolman, MD, Roger

Orthopaedic Management of the Ehlers–Danlos Syndromes
Ericson, MD, et. al, William B. "Unexplained Limb Pain in a Child," Complications in Orthopedics. December, 1986      
Ericson, MD, et. al, William B. "The Incidence of a Septum within the First Dorsal Extensor Compartment of the Wrist," Journal of Hand Surgery. January, 1990.      
Ericson, MD, William B. "Computerized Evaluation of the Hand," Seminars in Orthopedics. March, 1992.       
Ericson, MD, William B. “Median Nerve Entrapment in the Forearm: Diagnosis and Treatment” Poster Presentation, ASSH Annual Meeting, NYC, NY. September, 2004.       
Ericson, MD, William B. “Dual Oblique Incisions for Proximal Median Nerve Entrapment” Poster Presentation, 23rd SSSH Symposium, Visby, Gotland, Sweden, 2010       
Ericson, MD, William B. “Reassessment of ‘Evidence-Based Medicine,” Poster Presentation, 23rd SSSH Symposium, Visby, Gotland, Sweden, 2010       
Ericson, MD, et. al, William B. “Median Nerve Entrapments,” Ericson WB, Singh V, in “Peripheral Nerve Entrapments: Clinical Diagnosis and Management,” Trescot AM, Editor. Springer, April 2016, p369-382      
Ericson, MD, et. al, William B. “Orthopedic Management of the Ehlers Danlos Syndromes,” Ericson WB, Wolman R. Am Journal Medical Genetics, Part C, Seminars in Medical Genetics, Vol 175C, Number 1, March 2017. P188-194.      
Ericson, MD, et. al, William B.  “Nerve decompression for leprous neuropathy: A prospective study from Ecuador,” EL Wan, J Noboa, PA Baltodano, RM Jousin, WB Ericson, JP Wilton, GD Rosson, AL Dellon. Lepr Rev (2017) 88, 95-108.      
Ericson, MD, et. al, William B. “Management of Compressive Neuropathies of the Upper Extremity” Kalliainen LK, Ericson WB, in “Grabb and Smith’s Plastic Surgery, 8th Edition”, Chung K et al editors, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2018.      
Ericson, MD, et. al, William B. “Posterior Interosseous Nerve Intraneural Ganglion Cyst from the Scapholunate Joint,” Hung V, Ericson WB, Raghunathan A, Spinner R. Clinical Anatomy, Wiley DOI: 10.1002/ca.23202, 2018.      
Ericson, MD, et. al, William B.  “Consequences of Untreated Pediatric Trigger Thumb: Case Report,” Rao V, Ericson WB, Hand (NY), 17(3): NP5-NP8. May, 2022.      
Ericson, MD, et. al, William B. “Evaluation and Treatment of Bilateral Wrist, Thumb and Arm Pain, and Hand Weakness in EDS Patients,” Ericson WB, Oseto MC, Ehlers Danlos Society publication, Fall 2022.       
Ericson, MD, et. al, William B. “Evaluation and Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux in EDS patients,” Aye R, Ericson WB, Ehlers Danlos Society publication, Fall 2022.       
Ericson, MD, et. al, William B.  “Evaluation and Treatment of Pelvic Floor Collapse in EDS patients,” Hibbert J, Ericson WB, Ehlers Danlos Society publication, Fall 2022.       
Ericson, MD, et. al, William B.  “Evaluation and Treatment of Thoracic Outlet Symptoms in EDS patients,” Singh V, Ericson WB, Ehlers Danlos Society publication, Fall 2022.       
Ericson, MD, et. al, William B.  “Evaluation and Treatment of Hip Pain in EDS Patients,” Ericson WB, White B, Ehlers Danlos Society publication, Fall 2022.      
Gehrke, MSN, RN, Sarah The Nervous System  pdf    
Guse, MD, Darlene and Moran, MD, Steven Outcomes of the Surgical Treatment of Peripheral Neuromas of the Hand and Forearm  pdf    
Jacoby, DPM, Richard  Excessive Sugar is Harming Americans, and Feds Share Some of the Blame  pdf     
Jacoby, DPM, Richard
Sugar Crush
Lee, DPM, Doohi and Dauphinee, DPM, Damien
Morphological and Functional Changes in the Diabetic Peripheral Nerve: Using Diagnostic Ultrasound and Neurosensory Testing to Select Candidates for Nerve Decompression
Liao, Chenlong and Zhang, Wenchuan Nerve decompression for diabetic peripheral neuropathy with nerve entrapment: a narrative review  pdf    
Luz, MD, et. al, Jennifer  Point-of-Care Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis and Management of Superficial Peroneal Nerve Entrapment: Case Series  pdf     
Maalla, R.,  Peroneal Nerve Entrapment at the Fibular Head: Outcomes of Neurolysis  pdf     
Morimoto, Daijiro, et. al.  Microsurgical Decompression for Peroneal Nerve Entrapment Neuropathy  pdf     

Nickerson, MD, D. Scott

Nerve decompression and neuropathy complications in diabetes: Are attitudes discordant with evidence?
Parker, DPM, Robert and Merced-O'Neil, Orlando  Management of Painful Recurrent Intermetatarsal Neuroma Using Processed Porcine Extracellular Matrix Material: A Case Report      
Parker, DPM, Robert Dorsal Foot Pain Due to Compression of the Deep Peroneal Nerve by Exostosis of the Metatarsocuneiform Joint pdf    
Parker, DPM, Robert, Schuenke, PhD, Mark, and Pham, DPM, Peter Minimally Invasive Juxtamalleolar Aspiration Lipectomy, An Aesthetic Procedure pdf    
Rader, DPM, FAENS, Andrew and Ruter, DPM, FAENS, Aaron The Association of Olfactory Impairment with Charcot Neuroarthropathy and Possible Links to Causation  pdf     
Reittinger, DPM, Beth and Singh, DPM, Krish Anastomosis of Superficial Peroneal Nerve to Deep Peroneal Nerve & Saphenous Neurectomy for Revision of Failed Midfoot Fusion   pdf    
Rodrigues, DPM, Edgardo Nerve Transfer With Entubulated Nerve Allograft Transfers to Treat Recalcitrant Lower Extremity Neuromas pdf    
Rodrigues-Collazo, DPM, et. al., Edgardo New Surgical Approach to Common Digital Neuroma with Combined Technique of Nerve Decompression, Dorsal Nerve Transposition and Nerve Wrap in the Foot pdf    
Rodrigues-Collazo, DPM, et. al., Edgardo Pedicle Muscle Flap Coverage as an Adjunct to Internal Neurolysis of the Chronically Scarred Lower Extremity Nerve  pdf
Rodrigues-Collazo, DPM, et. al., Edgardo Regenerative Surgery & Intra-Operative Protocols Utilizing Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate in Microsurgical & Limb Reconstruction  pdf

Rodrigues-Collazo, DPM, Edgardo, Stein, Russell, and Ghazizadeh, Ramin

Prophylactic Fasciotomies for Preventing Nerve Injury in Gradual Distal Tibial Deformity Correction
Rodrigues-Collazo, DPM, Edgardo and Tamire, Y. Open surgical implantation of a viable cryopreserved placental membrane after decompression and neurolysis of common peroneal nerve: a case series pdf    
Rodrigues-Collazo, DPM, Edgardo, Iborra, DPM, PhD, Alvaro, Villanueva, MD, PhD, Manuel, Barrett, DPM, Stephen L., Sanz, DPM, PhD, Pablo Anatomic Delineation of Tarsal Tunnel Innervation via Ultrasonography pdf    
Rozen, M.D., Shai Level 1 RCT Diabetic Neuropathy Nerve Decompression: Study Presentation pdf     
Rozen, M.D., Shai Controlled Randomized Double-Blinded Prospective Study on the Role of Surgical Decompression of Lower Extremity Nerves for the Treatment of Patients with Symptomatic Diabetic Neuropathy with Chronic Nerve Compression
Still, DPM, FACFAS, et. al., Gregory
Intraoperative Nerve Monitoring for Tarsal Tunnel Decompression: A Surgical Technique to Improve Outcomes
Still, DPM, FACFAS, et. al., Gregory Outcome Following Repair of a Tibial Nerve Transection Resulting from Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A case Report      
Thomajan, DPM, FACFAS, FAENS, MFPM RCPS (Glasg), et. al., Craig Clinical Evaluation of an Innovative Nerve Termination Cap for Treatment and Prevention of Stump Neuroma Pain: Results from a Prospective Pilot Clinical Study  pdf    
Thomajan, DPM, FACFAS, FAENS, MFPM RCPS (Glasg), Craig A Method for Entubulating Exposed Nerve Ends Following Neurectomy Using a Porcine Extracellular Matrix Nerve Cap pdf     
Trignano, M.D., Ph.D., et. al., Emilio  Evaluation of Peripheral Microcirculation Improvement of Foot After Tarsal Tunnel Release in Diabetic Patients by Transcutaneous Oximetry  pdf     
Viswanathan, M.S., Lakshmanan, Anbazhagan R.
Tarsal Tunnel Decompression: An Effective Method for Prevention of Foot Complications in Diabetic Patients with Compressive Neuropthay at Tarsal Tunnel

Volek, PhD, et. al, Jeff

Metabolic Characteristics of Keto-Adapted Ultra-Endurance Runners pdf    
Wanniarachchi, DPM, Gayana, Patel, DPM, Roshni and Gumbiner, DPM, FACFAS, Brandon Prophylactic Sural Neurectomy with a Closed End Conduit Following Calcaneal Fractures: A Retrospective Case Study (2nd Place, APMA 2024) pdf     
Wilton, DPM, James Entrapment Neuropathy About the Foot and Ankle: An Update pdf    
Wilton, DPM, James

Peripheral Nerve Surgery Informed Consent (English)

Wilton, DPM, James Peripheral Nerve Surgery Informed Consent (Spanish) pdf     
Wilton, DPM, James Evidence-Based Approach to Timing of Nerve Surgery pdf     
Wilton, DPM, James
Traumatic Injuries of Peripheral Nerves: A Review with Emphasis on Surgical Indication pdf     
Wilton, DPM, James
PRS Global Open: Plastic Surgeons Critical to Surgical Care and Rehabilitation of Patients with Neglected Tropical Diseases
Zwanenburg, B.Sc., et. al, Pieter
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Pressure-Induced Vasodilation Phenomenon and Its Role in the Pathophysiology of Ulcers pdf     

CRPS Warriors Foundation

CRPS Warriors Foundation supports and educates patients, as well as the medical community, for CRPS. Doctors can also join for referral resources. Visit the website for more information.

CRPS Podcast, Episode 25, Mike & Phebe Show on Podbean 2023 - Featuring Dr. Damien Dauphinee, AENS Board of Trustees:

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